Tuesday 21 October 2014

[Eat] Crunchy Nutella Cake + Mocha @ Doors Coffee House, OUG

Hunger for cafe at OUG neighborhood? Doors Coffee House, this newly opened cafe started their business in the middle of year July 2014! Founder Cody Lim is a friendly person to be approached for a quick chat, and we ended chatted for a while with him. Pleasant chat with you, Cody! 

Firstly we ordered Mocha, one of our usual coffee, and we did asked if there is any art on the coffee, we got an answer "hmmm". So we didn't expect much out of it. Out of the sudden and surprisingly, here comes Cody presented us a nice and awesome coffee art "Bear Coffee Art" on the coffee foam! Enlightened both of us! So far, we have not experience such fine and cute coffee art! Thanks again Cody! 

Well, enough of the introduction until we get more information... Oh ya! Cody also mentioned that they will be having Food Menu in near future around middle of November 2014. They have their kitchen ready but would like to trial and error on their food tasting first. Cody, remember to invite us over for food tasting too! 

Here you go with the cafe's pictures!